How to Create a BPMN Flowchart for PPT

BPMN diagrams appear frequently in the process explaining presentations. Edraw makes it easy to create the seem-complex BPMN diagram with a professional-looking for your PPT in a second conveniently.

Introduction of BPMN Diagram for PPT Maker

Equipped with a great number of operating tools and BPMN symbols described by the BPMN 2.0 specification, Edraw Max provides you with a professional, practical and high-efficient platform to make dexterous BPMN diagrams in no time. A business process is always complicated, but Edraw Max makes it effortless for business participants to understand the process presentation in no time.

BPMN Diagram Opened in PPT

How to Make BPMN Diagrams

Step 1: Create a New BPMN Diagram

There are two resources of new BPMN diagrams:


Go to File tab → New → Flowchart → Business Process Modeling Notation, or type in BPMN in the search box and choose an example that meets your demand. Edraw includes templates that contain the graphical elements described by the BPMN 2.0 specification, following the Analytic conformance class.

Custom BPMN

If the built-in examples don’t meet your demand, then choose none of them and click the Create button to customize a new BPMN diagram according to your likes.

Step 2: Shapes and Format

Commonly used shapes are stored in the library which is folded on the left panel of the canvas. A simple drag-and-drop action gets you done adding shapes. The easiest way to deal with the format of all the shapes is to apply a theme to your BPMN diagram, getting the font, border style, background, line style etc. done in one click.

Step 3: Connection

The BPMN specification calls for three types of connectors: Sequence Flow, Message Flow, and Association. Connectors you add by using AutoConnect or the Connector tool are Sequence Flow connectors by default. You can change the type by right-clicking the connector and then clicking the type you want in the shortcut menu.

Step 4: Save or Export File to PPT

Business process illustrations usually happen in a meeting or presentation. The function of exporting BPMN diagrams to pptx. file format to display them in Microsoft Office PPT heightens your BPMN with brilliance.

Do one of the following to convert your BPMN into PPT:

  • Press Ctrl + S, direct a path to save your file, choose PowerPoint Format (.pptx) and confirm your operation.
  • Click the drop-down arrow of Export Office button, and then choose MS PowerPoint File.

Export BPMN to PPT

The exported BPMN Diagram will remain the vector feature in MS PowerPoint. You can still edit text, color shape, and apply the quick style in MS PowerPoint. Discover why Edraw is an excellent program to create BPMN for Word. Try More BPMN diagram examples.

Read More:

Create BPMN for PPT

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